protect your uniqueness
Cost efficient, professional trademark registration
TrademarkSmart is your one-stop shop for all things trademark. Whether you are a creative entrepreneur or a
Fortune 500 company, we can assist you in your trademark registration, protection and enforcement, both in the U.S. and internationally. We work on flat fees to keep more money in your pocket to grow your business. After all, we are only as successful as our clients.
intellectual property protection for the modern world
TrademarkSmart was created by California trademark attorney Mark Schollaert to provide business owners with intelligent, reliable intellectual property counseling at a fraction of the cost of most mega-firms. We have shed the stereotypical law firm image and have created a modern way of practicing law, which includes flat rate billing for most tasks, eco-friendly business practices, and a genuine belief in the success of our clients and the strength of their brands.
With 30 years of experience, we are experts in the fields of trademark clearance, trademark registration, trademark enforcement, counterfeit policing, brand protection and trademark portfolio management. We perform these functions in the U.S. and internationally.
Our goal is to make our clients successful by offering the highest quality intellectual property protection in the most cost efficient manner.
knowledge = power
A big part of helping our clients succeed is to provide them with as much information as necessary to appreciate the importance of intellectual property protection. We want you to be smart...we want you to be TrademarkSmart (see what we did there?).
What is a trademark?
A trademark is a word, design, slogan or phrase (or combination thereof) that identifies and distinguishes the goods and/or services of one party from those of another.
Why are trademarks important?
Trademarks are important assets to any organization. A trademark not only protects your consumers from confusion in the marketplace, it allows you to create your own unique business identity. Consumers come to recognize your trademark and the goods and services on which it is used. As a trademark owner, you can prevent others from using identical or similar trademarks on the same or related goods or services. This becomes a valuable tool in maintaining your unique place in the business world. Without trademark protection, you expose yourself and your consumers to infringers, counterfeiters, or others trying to trade on the goodwill you have built in your business. This translates to lost business, lost profits and damaged reputations.
What is copyright?
Copyright is a form of protection for an original literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work of authorship fixed in a tangible medium. Copyright covers such things as novels, poems, music, movies, photographs, sculptures, paintings, drawings, computer software and architecture, among other things.
Why is copyright important?
Copyright protection creates a public record for an original work and may allow the originator to recover statutory damages and attorneys fees in the event of litigation. While some protection does exist the moment the original work is fixed tangibly (meaning in a form that it can be perceived), filing for copyright protection creates an avenue for the originator to be more easily and adequately compensated for the unauthorized use of the protected work.
Domain Name Disputes
What is domain name dispute resolution?
A domain name dispute typically arises when someone uses your trademark, or a confusingly similar variation thereof, in their domain name. If the offending party has no rights or legitimate interests in the use of your trademark, and the domain name is registered and used in bad faith, then you may be able to have the domain name cancelled or transferred to you by filing a Complaint with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, better known as ICANN.
Why are domain name disputes important?
We are pretty sure this internet thing is here to stay. Preventing others from "cybersquatting" a domain name using your valuable trademark is essential to protect and maintain your unique presence in the online world.
Can we tell you a little secret?
We are self-proclaimed intellectual property geeks. Seriously, this stuff is fun for us.
Trademark Services
Screening Searches
Comprehensive Searches
Responses to Office Actions
Use Documentation
International Portfolio Management
Cease and Desist Letters
Anti-counterfeiting Activities
Brand Protection Strategy
Responses to Office Actions
Cease and Desist Letters
Anti-counterfeiting Activities
Copyright Strategy
Domain Name Dispute Services
Initial Review/Analysis
Domain Name Monitoring
Domain Name Strategy